+39 02 76390896 av@albertovenezia.it

The firm

Who we are

Alberto Venezia Avvocati is an Italian law firm with high specialization in national and international contracts and litigation concerning commercial agency, distribution, franchising and selective distribution contracts.

It works in the field of civil, private, commercial and international law, with special expertise in contracts and litigation concerning distribution networks in all economic and financial sectors.

Commercial agency agreements, insurance agency, financial services agency, financial advisory services, franchising, distributorship agreements, business procurement, selective distribution, online sales and mediation are in essence our areas of excellence. The firm operates with consolidated expertise in these sectors, both in out-of-court consultancy – aimed at the creation, correct administration and application of national and international contracts – as well as in litigation, both before the courts and in arbitration.

Our history

Founded in Milan in January 2006 by Lawyer Alberto Venezia, after 16 years of association with Baldi law firm specialized in distribution networks in Milan, the law firm quickly established itself as one of the most important points of reference in Italy for commercial agency networks, distributorship agreements and franchising in all sectors of economic activity, including manufacturing, insurance, banking and finance, gaining the trust of multi-national and domestic companies of all sizes.

The practice of working together both with major players from the manufacturing and distribution industry as well as with distribution agencies, distribution networks and commercial agents, alongside the ability to complement professional activity, including litigation and arbitration procedures, with intense and ongoing research activity, have permitted Alberto Venezia, together with his collaborators, to accrue a particularly in-depth and complete vision and understanding of the area of law, providing a guarantee of qualified and professional collaboration.

Our values


Alberto Venezia’s activity has always been characterized by specialization, effectiveness, speed and expertise to solve every matter connected to the specialization’s areas: commercial agency, distributorship, mediation, selective distribution, franchising and distribution networks..

Attention to details

Every activity is carried out under constant and personal supervision by Alberto Venezia, who guarantees maximum attention to every detail to find the best possible solution for every existing matter, potentially rising from time to time in every phase of the activity, whether in out-of-court negotiation or during litigation or arbitration.


Maximum level of expertise and the best assistance are guaranteed, after 30 years of professional activity in the same specialization sector and thanks to intense and ongoing research activity attending as a teacher in Master courses, lectures, seminars and conferences as well as publication of articles, textbooks and treaties.


The level of specialization, expertise and continuous study and research, together with experience on the field, guarantee absolute speed and efficiency in giving clear answers and concrete solutions to every matter concerning the field of specialization of the firm.


The activity of the firm is inspired by absolute confidentiality concerning the clients followed, as well as the operations handled and every information acquired related to every single file or matter followed.


Every phase of the activity is characterized by absolute seriousness and particular attention is given to compliance with professional ethical rules and conflicts of interest, with rigorous evaluation of each position and any reasons for incompatibility.

How we work

Reliability, expertise, availability, discretion, scrupulous attention to the details of each individual case and constant personal supervision by Lawyer Venezia: these are the distinctive characteristics of the law firm’s modus operandi.

The aim is to meet client’s needs with the utmost efficiency, efficacy and excellence in order to offer the most correct contractual arrangements for different sale and distribution organisations, the best comprehension and management of all related implications, a specialist and rigorous approach and the optimal legal solution to existing and potential disputes.

Contact us to ask for a meeting